The aim of the project s to strengthen supported businesses through expansion and growth of business, improving competitiveness and positioning on the market, diversification of the existing range based on market needs, creation of added value, certification process, export promotion and access to new markets. Through this program, we have supported 5 small and medium-sized businesses from the food processing sector that have the greatest potential for the development and export of their products.

Supported companies have gone through a business and professional set of trainings, received mentoring support for business development and export strategies, as well as production certification that is required so that products can be enable to export. In order to achieve the visibility of these companies and encourage their connection with key partners abroad, we enabled them to participate in the international fair INTERFOOD & DRINK in Sofia, as well as to participate in a promotional event organized by ENECA in Nis.

The project was realized with the financial support of UNDP Serbia and the Russian Federation.