In cooperation with the NGO Life Aid

Location: Serbia / Pcinjski district / Municipalities of Surdulica and Vladicin Han

Budget: 249. 895, 00 EUR


  • European agency for reconstruction 224 895.00 EUR;
  • HELP-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. 10 000.00 EUR;
  • Municipality of Surdulica 7 500.00 EUR.

ENECA, as a partner organization to the local non-governmental organization “Life Aid” from Vranje, from October 2005 to October 2006., implemented the project “Socio-economic development through job creation through self-employment and development” funded by the European Union through the European Union agency for reconstruction and development, within the program “Regional socio-economic development” and which was implemented by Enterprise plc.

The goal of the project is socio-economic development through the creation of new jobs based on self-employment and the creation of favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship.

Project activities included the Pčinja District in southern Serbia, namely the municipalities of Vladičin Han and Surdulica. In both municipalities, 110 clients were supported with a donation of equipment and / or materials with an average value of up to 1,200 euros. In order to ensure the successful realization of the project goal, business and professional trainings were organized for the clients. The refund obligation is aimed at creating municipal funds aimed at taking further care of clients in the first critical years of their business activities to ensure sustainability and their survival in the market as well as investing in local sustainable economic development projects.