Region: Nis District, Nis, Aleksinac

Donor: LEDIB program

Duration: June 2009 – June 2010

After the introduction to Student’s Entrepreneurship, which was held in June 2009 in the period from November 2009 to June 2010, the implementation of the pilot project on Student Entrepreneurship in the Elementary School Ucitelj Tasa and Stefan Nemanja in Nis continues, while the program has also included the Elementary School Ljupce Nikolic in Aleksinac.

ENECA is responsible for the implementation of the main project activities, as follows:

  • Entrepreneurship training program and business English course for 7th grade students will be realized during 20 working weeks in traged schools in order to encourage entrepreneurial spirit among students;
  • Procurement of an active board for the elementary school Ljupče Nikolić in Aleksinac;
  • Organization of professional training for the use of the active board for primary school teachers;
  • Presentation of high schools for 8th grade students in order to better inform about available high schools and programs where they can apply;
  • Organization of student study visits to LEDIB clusters, business organizations / associations and business support services for the SME sector;
  • Filming of a promotional film about Student Entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneurship training program will be adapted to primary school students and implemented using an active blackboard – a modern teaching aid, through workshops, study visits and many examples from practice. For students of pilot project will be as well prepared a Collection of good business ideas apart from the Handbook on Student Entrepreneurship.