The project “Transparency and participation of the civil sector in the creation of local public policies” is implemented within the program “Civil society for the promotion of Serbia’s accession to the European Union” funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and implemented by the Belgrade Open School (BOS).
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to european integrations and democratic development in Serbia by involving the business sector in decision-making processes. In order to achieve this goal, our task is to strengthen the capacity of micro, small, medium enterprises and entrepreneurs (MSMEs) of the Niš district to participate in the decision-making process, by transferring knowledge and skills for policy making and presentation, as a key instrument of public-private dialogue.
Project activities are defined so that by involving the target sector in the decision-making process we strengthen their capacities and knowledge and skills in the field of their rights and chapter 20 in negotiations with the European Union.
The expected results of the project are:
- Selected companies and entrepreneurs for direct project support;
- Defined problems of MSME sector in business and communication with the public sector;
- Organized workshops and trainings for project beneficiaries;
- Mapped key stakeholders in the process of creating and adopting public policies for the MSME sector;
- Strengthened capacities of 10 MSMEs for development and presentation of practical policies;
- Public policy study and public policy summary prepared;
- Public policy delivered to decision makers;
- The general public is familiar with the project and the developed public policy.