On Thursday 08.12.2022. a group workshop was held as part of the Education to Employment project with students of the fourth year of the “9.maj” high school, with whom our career counselors discussed gender stereotypes when choosing a profession and future career, as well as opportunities for further education.
The students got acquainted with the work of the Job Info Center Niš and career guidance and counseling services and expressed their interest in individual counseling and guidance in our youth center.
We hope for further successful cooperation and expect a large number of individual career counseling and guidance meetings in the coming period.
We invite all those interested to visit us at TPC Kalča on the first floor, room CI-89, every working day from 08:30 to 14:00 and get more information about the service itself.
You can follow current events on our social networks:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jobinfocentarnis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jobinfocentar_nis/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/job-info-centar-nis/
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