ENECA and the Business Development Center Kragujevac (RBC) are implementing the project “Strengthened Businesses for youth employment”, which was supported by the Kingdom of Norway through the project “Norway for you – Serbia”.

The overall goal of the project is to promote inclusive growth by strengthening capacity and competitiveness in the food industry sector and improving opportunities for employment of young people in Jablanica and Raška districts.

The project envisages the support of 20 entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium enterprises from the food sector, which are registered in the area of Jablanica and Raški districts, and includes:

I Mentoring support in the form of training for all 20 businesses;

II Consulting support for all 20 businesses;

III Participation in a regional promotional event for 10 businesses;

IV Business certification for 10 businesses.

The expected results of the project are:

20 companies from the food industry selected for the training program;

Professional training for 20 small and medium enterprises;

Held training for at least 20 small and medium enterprises;

Food safety and management certificate for 10 SMEs from the food industry;

Training for the application and maintenance of the implemented standard;

A one-month internship program organized for 40 young candidates in selected SMEs;

Employed 20 interns in targeted small and medium enterprises;

Participation of 10 SMEs in one regional food fair.